Irene Reppa Profile Picture

Dr. Irene Reppa

Personal homepage

Irene is a Psychology Lecture at Swansea University, while her research aims to further our understanding of aesthetics and attention in human psychology.

Jay Paul Morgan Profile Picture

Dr. Jay Paul Morgan

Personal homepage

Jay is a Tutor at Computer Science in Swansea. His research focuses on the integration of expert knowledge into the design and methodologies of Deep Learning.

Cris Izura Profile Picture

Dr. Cris Izura

Personal homepage

Cris Izura is an Associate Professor at the School of Psychology, Swansea University, specialized in the cognition of language. Their research explores a wide spectrum of topics ranging from fundamental cognitive language processing such as word recognition to broader inquires into the communicative patterns of online grooming or icon processing.

Maria Fernandez Parra Profile Picture

Dr. Maria Fernandez Parra

Personal homepage

Maria Fernandez-Parra is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher in Translation and Interpreting. She is a qualified translator and interpreter by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She also completed an MA in Translation with Language Technology and a PhD in Computer-Assisted Translation at Swansea University and holds a PGCE teaching qualification.

Research Assistants

Suraj Ramchand

PhD Students

Zoe Alderson


Daniel Earnshaw's Profile Picture

Daniel Earnshaw

Personal homepage

Daniel is a psychology graduate and research assistant who acquired his BSc and MSc from Swansea University. He undertook his masters dissertation on the perception of aesthetic appeal in icons and symbols.